Website Speed Test by Seo1 SEO Tools

Test the download speed for a webpage and all of its resources.

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No One Likes a Slow Site

We constructed this Site Speed Test to assist you evaluate your site load speed.

The test is created to assist make your website much faster by recognizing what about a web page is quick, sluggish, too huge, and so on.

We have actually attempted to make it beneficial both for beginners and professionals alike. Simply put, we desired it to be a user friendly tool constructed to assist web designers and web designers all over enhance their site efficiency.

How to Effectively Run a Site Speed Test (You're Doing it Incorrect).

When it comes to your WordPress website, speed is crucial. Off, site speed is a substantial element in Google's algorithm. In other words, a lightning-quick site opens all the excellent things that web designers yearn for.

We're not here today to talk about how to make your site much faster. We have actually currently covered that thoroughly in our accelerate WordPress guide and post on page speed. We're here to talk about another typical issue we see WordPress users making daily, which is running a site speed test improperly.

You may not believe this is that huge of an issue. In truth, it is when you're attempting to evaluate enhancements. If you run a site speed test the incorrect method, it may appear that your website is slower, when really it's much faster.

  1. Configure Caching.
  2. Enable Material Shipment Network (CDN).

How to Correctly Run a Site Speed Test

Now that you have actually caching set up and a CDN allowed, it's now time to dive into how to effectively speed test your WordPress website.

How to be Rated 100/100 Speed at Google Page Speed Insights to Enhance SEO.

Here are 10 elements that require to be thought about in order to enhance Google Page Speed Insights:

  1. Prevent landing page reroutes.
  2. Focus on noticeable material.
  3. Lower server reaction time.
  4. Enable Compression.
  5. Take advantage of internet browser caching.
  6. Minify HTML.
  7. Minify JavaScript.
  8. Get rid of render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold material.
  9. Enhance images.
  10. Minify CSS.

Prevent landing page reroutes in order to enhance Google Page Speed Insights

Redirects set off an extra HTTP request-response cycle and hold-up page making. In the very best case, each redirect will include a single roundtrip (HTTP request-response), and in the worst it might lead to several extra roundtrips to carry out the DNS lookup, TCP handshake, and TLS settlement in addition to the extra HTTP request-response cycle. As an outcome, you ought to reduce usage of redirects to enhance website efficiency.

Focus on noticeable material in order to enhance Google Page Speed Insights.

To make pages load much faster, restrict the size of the information (HTML markup, images, CSS, JavaScript) that is required to render the above-the-fold material of your page. There are a number of methods to do this:

  1. Structure your HTML to pack the important, above-the-fold material initially in order to enhance Google Page Speed Insights.
  2. Decrease the quantity of information utilized by your resources.

Decrease server action time in order to enhance Google Page Speed Insights.

You need to decrease your server reaction time under 200ms. There are lots of prospective aspects which might decrease the reaction of your server: sluggish application reasoning, sluggish database inquiries, sluggish routing, structures, libraries, resource CPU hunger, or memory hunger. You require to think about all of these aspects to enhance your server's action time.

Enable Compression in order to enhance Google Page Speed Insights.

Compressing resources with gzip or deflate can minimize the variety of bytes sent out over the network.

Utilize internet browser caching in order to enhance Google Page Speed Insights.

Setting an expiration date or an optimum age in the HTTP headers for fixed resources advises the web browser to fill formerly downloaded resources from regional disk instead of over the network.

Minify HTML in order to enhance Google Page Speed Insights.

Minification describes the procedure of getting rid of redundant or unneeded information without impacting how the resource is processed by the internet browser.

You can minify HTML at

Minify JavaScript in order to enhance Google Page Speed Insights.

Condensing JavaScript code can conserve numerous bytes of information and accelerate execution, downloading, and parsing time.

You can minify JavaScript at

Get rid of render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold material in order to enhance Google Page Speed Insights.

Scripts that are essential to render page material can be inlined to prevent additional network demands, nevertheless the inlined material requires to be little and should perform rapidly to provide excellent efficiency. Please keep in mind that for this to enhance your loading time, you should likewise enhance CSS shipment.

Enhance images in order to enhance Google Page Speed Insights.

Correctly formatting and compressing images can conserve lots of bytes of information.

Losslessly compressing of your images at will enhance your images.

Minify CSS in order to enhance Google Page Speed Insights.

Condensing CSS code can conserve lots of bytes of information and accelerate download and parse times.

You can minify CSS at

Tweak .htaccess to Increase Site Speed to Enhance SEO

Edit.htaccess to Increase Site Speed to Enhance SEO in Apache Server

. htaccess needs to be as follows:

< IfModule mod_expires. c >

# Make it possible for expirations.

ExpiresActive On.

# Default regulation.

ExpiresDefault "gain access to plus 1 month".

# My favicon.

ExpiresByType image/x-icon "gain access to plus 1 year".

# Images.

ExpiresByType image/gif "gain access to plus 1 month".

ExpiresByType image/png "gain access to plus 1 month".

ExpiresByType image/jpg "gain access to plus 1 month".

ExpiresByType image/jpeg "gain access to plus 1 month".

# CSS.

ExpiresByType text/css "gain access to 1 month.

# Javascript.

ExpiresByType application/javascript "gain access to plus 1 year".

# compress text, html, javascript, css, xml:

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain.

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html.

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml.

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css.

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml.

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+ xml.

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rss+ xml.

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript.

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript.

How To Tweak.htaccess To Increase Site Speed to Enhance SEO Ranking Without Gzip or Deflate

.htaccess ought to be as follows:

AddType x-mapp-php6. html.htm.php.js.

ExpiresActive On.

ExpiresByType image/gif "gain access to plus 2 weeks".

ExpiresByType image/jpeg "gain access to plus 2 weeks".

ExpiresByType image/png "gain access to plus 2 weeks".

ExpiresByType image/ico "gain access to plus 2 weeks".

ExpiresByType text/css "gain access to plus 2 weeks".

ExpiresByType text/javascript "gain access to plus 2 weeks".

ExpiresByType application/x-javascript "gain access to plus 2 weeks".

php.ini need to be as follows:

zlib.output _ compression = On.

zlib.output _ compression_level = 9.

You can inspect your site speed at google page speed insights at. I suggest you to inspect your site speed prior to and after you put the code so you can see the distinction.


The very first example reveals how we did compression by utilizing deflate. If we can't do compression by utilizing gzip or deflate, we can still do compression by utilizing php. Site speed boosts.

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