// ONLY USE lowercase FOR ALL OPTIONS // CHANGE ANY OF THESE VARIABLES TO "no" OR "yes" TO TURN AN OPTION OFF OR ON var facebook = "yes" // SHOW FACEBOOK var facelink = "https://www.facebook.com/SEOSanJose1" var twitter = "yes" // SHOW TWITTER var twitlink = "https://twitter.com/seosanjose1" var contactus = "yes" // SHOW CONTACT ICON var contactlink = "http://seo1seotools.com/contact-seo1-seo-tools.html" // CONTACT ICON LINK // OTHER OPTIONS YOU CAN CHANGE var linktype = "_top" // LINK TYPE USE | _blank | _top | var linktypec = "_top" // CONTACT LINK TYPE USE | _blank | _top | var logolink = "index.html" // HEADER LOGO LINK // GALLERY VIEWER OPTIONS var viewer = "same" // OPTIONS: | new | same | New browser or same // COPYRIGHT 2015 © Allwebco Design Corporation // Unauthorized use or sale of this script is strictly prohibited by law // YOU DO NOT NEED TO EDIT BELOW THIS LINE document.write('
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